
Denis Abramov

Denis Abramov was born in 1989 in Vladikavkaz.

In 2005 graduated from Kazan physical-mathematical school  131.

In 2010 he graduated from the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Kazan Federal University. He specialized in the field of probability theory and mathematical statistics. He was engaged in research in the field of forecasting the incidence (deceases) in different regions, based on the analysis of socio-economic factors and previous statistics.

In October 2010, took part in educational program of business planning, "FastTrack."

From November 2009 to June 2010 he lectured the basics of investment in the company BC "InvestGroup."

From June 2010 to January 2011 was stock manager of «DOMO» company, where provided control over the implementation of new ERP-systems, as well as supervised department of control and audit.

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