
Development of Noise Signal Analyzer (NSA)

Development of Noise Signal Analyzer (NSA) - a new system for diagnostics of random signals based on spectroscopy Prony. This system is based on modern methods of analyzing  noise and signals. Using these methods any random noise can be "read" by system of universal parameters and random sequences can be easily compared to each other with traditional methods of cluster analysis.


The proposed universal program, pre-configured to read structure of the random sequence (acoustic, electromagnetic, mechanical, thermal, etc.) capable to read quantitatively these random fluctuations. These fluctuations are further classified by source of their appearance and compared with other fluctuations in order to identify their statistical proximity or differences. User, having this program, can quantitatively "read" state of the system and interfere with the functioning of the system only when it is necessary. This program lays the foundations for model-free fluctuation of metrology, in which any random signal can be metrologically standardized, that ultimately leads to the creation new standards for the quantification "reading" of random signals.


In result we will create several systems:


• Portable acoustic system for acoustic diagnostics of automobile engines.


• Portable acoustic system for acoustic diagnostics of compressors and turbines.


• Software for processing and analysis of X-rays images of joints (identification and classification defects of joints).

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